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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Drop Scones with Bilberry Sauce

Food Receipt. Javanese, Chinese, Indian, European, Arabic, Korean & Indonesian Food Receipt.Drop Scones with Bilberry SaucePreparation time : 10 minutesCooking time : 4 - 6 minutesMakes about 12Calories : 80 per portionYau will need :- 100 g / 4 oz plain flour -- 2 teaspoons baking powder -- pinch salt -- 1 egg, beaten -- 150 ml / 1/4 pint milk -- oil for greasing -- 150 ml / 1/4 pint soured cream to serve -For the sauce :- 225 g / 8 oz bilberries or blueberries, thawed if frozen -- 2 teaspoons blackberry jelly -- 1 teaspoon lemon juice --...

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